Unit – 3.1 & 3.2


The aim of my business would be to produce tracks and create as much revenue I can. I shall accomplish this by using social media to promote myself as a product and I will also produce my own music and use all available social media sites to promote myself.

I shall use online promotion to promote myself because social media such as twitter, instagram and youtube are all free. The benefit of having social media is that its free and you don’t have to invest any revenue into promotion. The best way to utilise social media would to update your followers every 2- 3 days and I say this because if you keep spamming your followers with updates everyday it could drive your fanbase craze and get annoyed.

The incomes to the company would be revenue from recording bands and my own music getting plays on places such as Soundcloud and youtube. The outgoings of the company would be travel cost and studio hiring as I don’t have my own studio.

My unique selling point would be me producing music and also recording bands, this would be a USP because id be updating a youtube channel with both recording a band and with my own music.


-Working With Bands and singers

-Mixing and mastering

-Setting up equipment for bands


-Creating music

-Time management



-Being recognised by big artists and labels

-Owning my own company

-Having my own studio


-Other people beating me to artists and bands to help them record their track

-Local rivals taking up work that i could have had

5 Year Plan

1st Year – Within the first year I plan to take out a small loan of £10,000 and use my spare room in my house as a small studio, therefore I would use the £10,000 to buy equipment such as microphones for vocals, drum kits and guitar amps. Then if I needed to use a larger recording space I would have to hire out a recording studio in my local town. Within the first yea I will plan to pay off 75% of the debt resulting in me having to pay the rest of within the second year.

2nd Year – In the second year I plan to pay off the debt within the first couple of months  and have profits of around £20,000, I shall do this by providing my services by recording bands and artists. By this time id hope to have a small name for myself within the city I live in..

3rd Year – By this time I would like to have a established name for myself, during this time I should have gained enough revenue to by my own separate recording studio so it is easier to record people/ bands. the revenue I should gain would be around £80,000.

4th Year –  In the fourth year id like my own Label and as I record people id pick out the best artists so I can move and approach them to sign for my label. This is an effective technique because essentially the artists come to me for me to record.

5th Year – By this time my business shall be growing larger and more popular. I aim to make at least half a million profit (£500,000) by this time. Within the business I aim to have a few agents going out and looking for talent to sign for the label.

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