Unit 2 – 2.1

Some research I did on pitch bend was actually useful, it taught me how to properly pitchblende notes and instruments. I tried to use pitch bend on many instruments such as the kick and the 808. However every attempt on putting pitchblende on anything didn’t work so i decided not to use it as it didn’t really suit the track in general. so therefore the research i did on pitch bend was useful but unfortunately i wasn’t able to use it.

When I was researching How to use EQ effectively i came across a video that helped explore ex and it showed me how to use it, however it didn’t help me much because i found it easier getting hands on with the effect and trying out different things. In the end the video to me wasn’t much useful as i could try it out and see how effective it was for myself, I found that this was the right decision for my work.

Compression was another thing i looked at to hopefully use on my track. Whilst watching the video to hopefully find out how to use it effectively yet again i found it a little useful but not completely useful. I found it easier to get hands on with the effect as it helped me get more of an understanding. I did end up using compression in my tack because it gave some of my kicks a Boomier noise to it.

Reverb was a very useful part in my track because it makes it sound more real, the video i watched played a huge part in it. Although like most of the other videos i found it easier to get hands on in this case the video assisted me and helped me navigate myself around. I ended up using reverb on almost every instrument where it was needed because it fitted so well.

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